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書系代碼 名稱 校閱 作者 原著 譯者 出版日期 優惠價
10017 皮膚科學( Lecture Notes:Dermatology 8/e ) Robin Graham-Brown.Tony Buens 孫培倫 2004/9/17 504 
06056 分子醫學(Lecture Notes:Molecular Medicine 2/e) John Bradley等 盧章智.闕宗熙 2003/2/15 315 
LN008 Lecture Notes: Diseases of The Ear, Nose and Throat 9/e 2002 Peter D. Bull 2002/7/1 300 
LN009 Lecture Notes: Ophthalmology 9/e 2003 Bruce James.Chris Chew.Anthony Bron 2003/9/1 350 
LN014 Lecture Notes: Dermatology 8/e 2002 Robin Graham-Brown.Tony Burns 2002/4/1 300 
LN021 Lecture Notes: Urology 5/e 1998 John Blandy 1998/5/1 665 
LN025 Lecture Notes: Clinical Pharmacology 6e 2001 John L. Reid.Peter C. Rubin.Brian Whiting 2001/7/1 250 
LN027 Lecture Notes:Obstetrics and Gyanecology 2/e 2005 Hamilton-Fairley.Chamberlain 2004/10/15 300 
LN028 Lecture Notes:Radiology 2/e 2005 Patel 2005/2/25 300 
LN029 Lecture Notes: Immunology 5/e 2005 Ian Todd.Gavin Spickett 2005/6/6 300 
LN030 Lecture Notes: Psychiatry 9/e 2005 Paul Harrison.John Geddes.Michael Sharpe 2005/6/6 350 
LN031 Lecture Notes: Clinical Biochemistry 7/e 2006 Geoffrey Beckett.Simon W. Walker.Peter Rae.Peter Ashby 2005/10/31 300 
LN032 Lecture Notes:Medical Genetics 3/e 2006 Bradley.Johson.Pober 2006/11/1 400 
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